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VA Property Settlement Agreement Form: What You Need to Know

If you or your spouse is a veteran, having a VA property settlement agreement form is essential. This document is created when couples decide to separate or divorce, and it outlines how their Virginia property and debt will be divided. The VA property settlement agreement form is an essential legal document that is required for military families in the state of Virginia.

What is a VA Property Settlement Agreement Form?

A VA property settlement agreement form, also known as a PSA, is a legal document that outlines how property, assets, debts, and liabilities will be divided in case of a separation or divorce. It is required for all military personnel or their spouses who are going through a divorce. The agreement form is a legally binding document that both parties must agree to and sign. Once the agreement is executed and filed with the court, it becomes a court order.

Why is a VA Property Settlement Agreement Form Important?

A VA property settlement agreement form is important because military divorces can be complicated. Since Virginia is considered a military state, there are special provisions within the divorce laws that apply to those who are in the military or married to military personnel. The PSA is required to ensure that both parties are treated fairly when dividing property and assets.

In a military divorce, the PSA outlines the division of military retirement benefits, survivor benefits, and other assets that may not otherwise be divided in a typical divorce. Additionally, the agreement form allows the soon-to-be ex-spouses to dictate how child support, alimony, and other financial matters will be handled.

How to Draft a VA Property Settlement Agreement Form

If you are planning to draft a VA property settlement agreement form, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, the document should be comprehensive and include all assets and liabilities. This includes debt, real estate, retirement accounts, personal property, and any other possessions that are owned by the couple.

Second, the document should also address any child custody or visitation agreements, child support, and spousal support. These provisions should be clear and concise and should include all details related to payment, duration, and modification.

Finally, both parties should have an attorney review the agreement before signing it. This will ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the agreement is fair to both parties.


In summary, a VA property settlement agreement form is an essential legal document required for military personnel or their spouses who are going through a divorce. The agreement outlines how property, assets, debts, and liabilities will be divided in case of a separation or divorce. The document is important to ensure that both parties are treated fairly when dividing property and assets, and it also covers child custody, visitation agreements, child support, and spousal support. Both parties should have an attorney review and sign the agreement to ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the agreement is fair to both parties.